lundi 3 octobre 2016

Voici quelques impressions des élèves sur notre journée à l'EDEN .....en ANGLAIS!

Une journée paradisiaque à l'EDEN avec les 6e5 !

On Friday September 16th, we went to the Eden, the oldest cinema in the world.

I liked the 2nd film « Martin around the world »because the children were cute and experimented lots of things. Cléa

I liked the morning because the film about the Antarctic was nice and interesting. Julien

I prefered the film about the boy in the bush because there were lots of adventures. Marwane

I didn't like the afternoon because the films were too complicated for me. Dung

I liked the films with the children and the film about Australia and I liked to talk with Luc Marescot (director of the film). Kévan

I didn't like the films about the exploration in the Antarctic because it was boring and repetitive. Emilie

It was very interesting to see all sorts of animals : koalas, wombats, kangaroos, wallabies and snakes ! Leelou

I liked the film about Martin's world because there were lots of adventures and Rio is a nice city. Ishaq

I liked « The secret of the ice » because they really worked hard to find secrets » Thylane

Es war ein sehr interessanter Tag ! sagt Matti

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